Construction Claim Avoidance,
Mitigation and Risk Management
C. W. Felice, LLC (CWF) structural
foundation experience has been gained internationally in all
types of ground conditions. What makes CWF different is our
ability to integrate our understanding of ground conditions and
load combinations to deliver optimum foundations designs that
are economical to construct. In addition, we stay with the
project, providing “mud on the boots” construction engineering
expertise. CWF’s approach is to assess design and construction
alternatives for each project to account for:
Adequacy of design that
considers project constraints
Overall economy and life cycle cost
Constructability including the
availability and suitability of equipment and materials.
foundation designs are cutting edge. We maintain
state-of-the-art design tools for pile drivability, capacity
analysis, earthquake and other dynamic loading conditions, as
well as 2 and 3 dimensional numerical codes to quantify
construction sequencing and suitability of equipment selection.
Examples of CWF projects include:
